Okay, so let's see . . . What's happened in the month and half since I've written?
I've been working on my puzzle skills.
For those of you who don't know Makeba, here's a picture of her and me. She loves when I hold her. Can't you just see the love in her face!

We bought a new house. Warning: These are "before" pictures. Papi says it'll take him about a quazillion years to get to the "after" pictures. I don't think he has that long . . .
A view from the porch:

This is my room. We have to paint over that girly pink and strip the floor.

This is the sitting area, just as you come in the front door. I've always wanted a sitting area, because I like to sit for a long period of time--about three seconds.

This is the livingroom:

Here's the dining room:

Here's the laundry room. Papi's already primed over those colors. Good thing.

And here're Papi and me in the back yard.
And here are some new righteous moves I've been working on: