Happy New Year, everybody! We hope you have a wonderful year full of happy adventures!
We had plenty over the last week. Mami, Papi, and I went to Kansas, where we saw lots of family. During the last episode, I told you about my cousin Carter. I finally got to meet him over Christmas. Here he is:

He's six months older than I am. We had lots of fun at his house, where we played, opened presents, and danced!
Look at those moves! Maybe he can be a back-up dancer for Lexie and the Adventure Femmes!
His parents are Mike and Kari. Uncle Mike is Papi's brother and they all live in Topeka.

Boy, was it cold when we got there. Five degrees! But we kept warm with all that dancing--and reading! Here's Grandma Louwana reading a story to me:

Uncle Mike and Aunt Kari gave Grandma a beautiful necklace with two charms with Carter and my birthstones in them.

We opened lots of presents. I got some reindeer antlers, along with a lot of toys!

One day, we drove to Kansas City, where I met some other family members and had Christmas dinner. Here's my uncle Roger.
I took a particlular shine to him. He told me that that was a good thing because he had just run out of shine.
I also met a new teddy bear. I read to him . . .

. . . while Papi and Uncle Mike crashed out on the floor.

Then I crashed out.
After we woke up, we opened presents. I received a new puppy. Her name's Felicia.

The next day, we went to see Papi's Aunt Allie, Uncle Curt, and cousin Jennifer. We ate at a Mexican restaurant, and I ran around saying hi to all the patrons. But I stopped long enough to snap a shot with Jennifer:

The next day we went over to Papi's Uncle Tom and Aunt Joann's house. Uncle Tom is much goofier than I was led to believe:

Our trip was about to end, and we had to say bye-bye to Cousin Carter. Keep practicing those groovy moves!

Back at home, Papi and Mami took me to the boondocks--out to a small ranch owned by Papi's director, Dr. Shelley. She has horses!

Then we went to a place called The Saddle Doctor, where you can learn how to ride horses. I'm a bit too young still to qualify for more structured lessons, but I did get to sit on a horse named Hollywood. We both have blonde hair. Kismet!

Oh, and here's some news for the new year! Mami and Papi are starting to look for a house! Earlier this week, we drove around neighborhoods and nearby villages to scope out prospective places to live. We drove far out into the country, to a secluded area where the roads are rather difficult to navigate.

Don't worry, we're all okay--even Mami's car is okay.
Fortunately, we careened near a house owned by a man named Mr. Shank. He also owned a back-hoe that he was considerate enough to use to pull us out. You have to own a back-hoe or two when you live out in the middle of nowhere because you never know when a family looking at houses will drive along, try to turn around in the road in front of your house, land in a ditch, and need some assistance. Thanks, Mr. Shank!
To cap off the old year, I had another accident: I cut my finger yesterday, and it bled a little bit. Mami and Papi freaked out, but I held my own. They took me to the doctor just to make sure I was okay, and sure enough, I was. The nice doctor looked at the gaping slice across the top of my thumb, and said that I wouldn't need any stitches. So, he sent me home with a fresh bandage and a new sense of mortality. It's all good. Please, no cards of sympathy. Really, I'm okay.
Well, we hope you and yours have a beautiful new year. Last year was one full of new travels, new experiences, and new friends, as I tried to document here on The Lexie Show. I hope you'll stop back by to see what the next year holds. Have a great day! Besos!