Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Miss Me?


It's been a while, I know. Things have been very busy lately. I've been working on buying a house, getting over colds, and starting a new endeavor: my photo exhibit of me! This group of photos is called "Fun with Hats." Enjoy!

We've had snow a couple of times since I wrote last. I like to go out and play in it.

Here's Mami and me. Aren't we hotties!

Even with all the snow, we've had some beautiful weather this week. It got up to 76 degrees one day. So, on Sunday, Papi took me to the arboretum across from campus. Here's a view:

Back inside, it's time to practice with my band, Lexie and the Adventure Femmes:

I'll leave you with a little advice. When you're only 16 months old, sometimes it's not a good idea to stand in chairs. Mami and Papi say it's never a good idea to stand in chairs, but that didn't stop them from taking this picture:

Hee hee hee . . .

I'll be seeing ya!


Helen said...

Lexie, you're definitely a fashion icon with the hats. But, seriously, I foresee a few bumps and bruises in your future from that "standing in chairs" trick of yours;)

Ma Helen

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear from you, sweetie! Things are crazy back home in EP, but your blog always brings a smile to my face!! Love you and miss you!